Foster with North East

Share your home. Shape their future.
We are England's first regional support hub for foster carers, combining 12 Local Authorities from all over the North East of England. We're here to support you as you apply to be a foster carer and we look forward to working together to build better futures for children and young people in the region.
Why foster with us
Foster with North East represents local authority foster care across the whole region. We are joining together for the first time to recruit more foster carers and better the experiences and outcomes for foster carers and the children they care for. We're also offering prospective foster carers increased levels of support through the creation of a specialised support hub.
Find out more about Foster with North East (Go to Why foster with us)
Becoming a foster carer
We've created a step-by-step guide and video to answer all those common questions about the foster care application process.
Read about the application process (Go to Becoming a foster carer)Real people, real stories
Hear what fostering is really like from real foster families in the North East of England.
Thinking about fostering?
We know starting to research fostering can be equally daunting and exciting - in this section you can find out the basics about fostering and the real difference fostering can make to families and children in our region.

Who can foster?

Types of fostering

Benefits of fostering

What is fostering?

At Foster with North East we offer a range of online, in-person and drop in events across the region to support those wanting to find out more about fostering.
View and book our events (Go to Events)
With Mockingbird I know that Lincoln has somewhere to go, I know that he is safe, I know that he is secure. If I have something that I really need to talk to someone about I ring the Mockingbird lead carer. I honestly couldn't do without it - Catherine
Find out more about Mockingbird (Go to Mockingbird)
Fees and allowances
Fostering is a professional role with responsibilities and the fees paid by all of the partners within Foster with North East reflect this. Understanding the financial side of things will help you to understand how foster care could be an option for you and your family.
See more about fees and allowances (Go to Fees and allowances)Partners
Summary text
Partners list
Department for Education funded