Why foster with us
We're coming together to change the lives of children in North East communities. Join us. Foster with North East represents local authority foster care across the whole region. From September 2023, we are joining together for the first time to recruit more foster carers and improve your journey and the outcomes for the children you care for.
We're offering prospective foster carers increased levels of support through the creation of specialised support hubs. We've committed to sharing resources for the benefit of children and fostering families and we're enhancing the pioneering Mockingbird programme within every local council area. Will you join us?
Since 2011 the number of children in need of foster care in the UK has been rising while the number of registered foster carers has declined - in fact there are a third (33%) less approved foster carers than one year ago. In the North East, we have the highest number of children referred into foster care of all regions and we desperately need more foster carers to offer help and support to children and young people in our communities. |
Why do we need more foster carers in the North East?
Foster carers support our communities by helping children to stay closer to home when it is safe for them to do so.
Through different types of fostering, foster carers support local families by giving children a safe place to stay when emergencies happen.
With the recruitment of more foster carers, children will be able to remain in the North East nearer to familiar surroundings. Children and young people won't need to wait as long to find the right home to meet their needs or a place where they can stay without being separated from their brothers and sisters.
We need foster carers for all types of fostering and from different backgrounds. And by working collaboratively across the region, together we can positively change the lives of children in our communities.
Support, collaboration and a community that cares
As part of our collaboration, we've stepped up support for all foster carers - from first enquiry through to overcoming challenges and developing your skills for progression.
A dedicated support hub and a team of specialist foster carer advisers (buddy system) will offer additional support to enquiring, applying and newly approved foster carers. Our hub will also welcome prospective foster carers for pre-approval training. And from the point of application, you will also receive help and advice from your individual local authority.
As an approved foster carer, you'll have access to FREE ongoing training that will support your professional development.
Your support team will include the Foster with North East team, an Assessing Social Worker and representatives from your local authority. You will also become part of the North East fostering community and be able to access events, activities and support groups organised by your local authority.
Right across the North East, foster carers now have the chance to extend their network of support and build friendships for children and adults alike through the Mockingbird programme.
Find out more
To find out more about the support package for Foster with North East foster carers you can explore fees and allowances and fostering training. When you're ready, you can get in touch - we will be able to answer your questions and signpost your next steps.